Sunday, October 01, 2006

Teach independence

Sponsoring carries a re-spons-abiliy.

If you want someone to join your business, you have an obligation to do your best to help them become successful.

However, ultimately they are now in business for themselves and if they want to succeed, they also have to take responsibility for their own success.

Don't try to teach your new affiliate everything - show them how and where they can learn what they need to know.

Don't teach them what they can easily learn for themselves with a bit of effort.

The information on this website, the Welcome to Success manual and the newsletter contains ample information to help them get started.

But affiliates who are not succeeding will come to you asking for help - even when they haven't learned the basics from these resources.

Ask them if they've read the Welcome to Success. If they haven't, get them to read it and then come back if they still need help.

Teach them to be independent from you, not dependent on you. That doesn't mean you don't help them, just don't do things for them that they should be able to do for themselves.

You want as much of your time as possible available for building your business. Encourage your affiliates to use the resources available to teach their team so that they too can concentrate on building their business.

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